Auditoorium, uurimine * Audience, research
Steiner, 2023
Jeffers & oth, 2022
Holdsworth, 2021
Rubenking, Bracken, 2020*
Sullivan, 2019 2nd
Hill, 2018*
Bury, 2018*
Gray &, 2017* 2nd
Mytton & oth, 2017
Athique, 2016*
Seiter & (ed), 2016*
Gunter, 2015*
Barwise, Ehrenberg, 2013
Livingstone, 2013, 2nd
Stein, 2015*
Bourdon, Méadel, 2014
Abelman, Atkin, 2011
Briggs, 2009*
Gorton, 2009*
Hartmann, 2009*
Hayward, 2009*
Westerik, 2009*
Murray, Wartell, 2006*
Sigman, 2007*
Preiss &, 2006*
Comstock, Sharrer, 2007*
Ang, 1991
Ang, 1995
Morley, 1992
Ivala, Eunice (2007). Television audience research revisited: Early television audience research and the more recent developments in television audience research. COMMUNICATIO, Volume 33(1), pp. 26-41.
Lobanov, Raul (2022). Teleauditooriumi mõõtmine digiajastul. Mõõdikuuringu tulemuste ja voogedastusteenuse kasutusstatistika võrdlev analüüs ERR-i audiovisuaalse programmi näitel. Juhendaja: Indrek Ibrus.